Thursday, October 04, 2007

good vibrations

Let go of your worries

and be completely clear-hearted,

like the face of a mirror

that contains no images.

If you want a clear mirror,

behold yourself

and see the shameless truth,

which the mirror reflects.

If metal can be polished

to a mirror-like finish,

what polishing might the mirror

of the heart require?

Between the mirror and the heart

is this single difference:

the heart conceals secrets,

while the mirror does not.

- Rumi

Things are going well. Classes have begun and we're looking at really cool identity/difference/multiculturalism-type theory. It's exhilarating, somewhat and challenging- I won't pretend that the material is facile, but it's fun!

Other awesome things happening: my friendships are deepening and I'm opening up/connecting with folks more easily than I have in the past; I went on an interview for my Master's placement and the guy pretty much asked me to choose their spot for my work (wow!); my brothers and I have been having really, really good interactions (not fraught with tension and with fewer reservations); I've had some pretty good dates (HOT, in one particular case); K. and I have resolved that unresolved stuff and she's awesome; my mom and I are better friends, taking interest and joy in each other's interests and joys (I like, and cherish, that); my house mate and I are getting on famously; and finally, riding my bicycle just feels better each day- especially with the new tires and seat.

Though that paragraph (?) was not a paragraph, it hit all the necessary spots.

More anon...